Do's and Don'ts of Pregnancy Yoga

By Sam Milner

Pregnancy yoga is a wonderful way to prepare your mind and body for the arrival of your baby. Not only it can make your pregnancy more comfortable, but also reduce back pain and strengthen your pelvic muscles. This form of exercise helps maintain good posture and improves circulation. Research shows that babies whose moms exercised during pregnancy are healthier and more energetic.

Like other forms of exercise, pregnancy yoga self-discipline and proper training. Before you join yoga classes, consider the following things:

Certain poses, such as the pigeon and baddha konasana, help get your baby into the best position for birth. They also make your body more flexible and strengthen your muscles. Side stretches, standing poses, and hip openers are ideal for pregnant women.

Certain poses should be avoided during pregnancy. Don't do any deep twists, jumps, or breath retention exercises. Avoid exercises that require you to lie on your back. If you have experienced complications in a previous pregnancy, then you shouldn't do squats after the first trimester.

Start practicing pregnancy yoga as soon as possible. Make sure you first consult your doctor. You may not be able to do pregnancy yoga if you have certain medical conditions. The doctor may have special considerations for you, such as avoiding certain poses.

Don't overdo it. If you feel any pain or discomfort while exercising, stop immediately. It is best to practice yoga in the morning or in the evening. Sudden movements should be avoided. Avoid positions that are beyond your level of comfort. This is not the best time to challenge yourself.

Join a yoga class. Pregnancy yoga is different from other forms of exercise. A qualified instructor can recommend you the best poses and show you how to perform each movement. If you want to practice yoga at home, skip back exercises and avoid bouncing or jerking movements. Exercise in air conditioned environments and keep yourself cool at all times. Always perform asanas in a clean, well ventilated room.

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