Botox as a Lifestyle Choice

By Andrew Wughin

Botox has become the preferred alternative to cosmetic surgery. Surgery is much more expensive and a large group of the population simply does not have the financial resources for this. Botox on the other hand is relatively inexpensive, almost painless, requires no healing time and has almost no associated complications.

It's not surprising that Botox is so popular. With an exceptional safety record over the past twenty years, and a price point that is very comfortable and relatively cheap compared with alternatives. Botox is produced in a lab by a bacterium called clostridium botulinum and it has been purified under very strict controlled conditions.

You Shouldn't Go Overboard with Botox

Although Botox treatments are so popular, there are still many myths surrounding the procedure. The popular media often portrays Botox, and those who seek it's treatment, in a poor light. Frozen faces of celebrities or the most extreme examples are often paraded out as examples of Botox as an extreme lifestyle choice. But these are often wrongly associated with Botox. A well trained physician who is experienced in Botox injections will not produce the kind of extreme examples noted. Natural expressions should not be affected negatively in any way, as long as an experienced physician is administering the treatment.

A Desire for Youthful Skin

When you are youthful, your skin is firm and very elastic, but as you mature this changes and the lines on your face expose this difference. The expected areas we see these changes are above the eyes, in the region of the outside of the eyes, and in the area of the mouth. A negative result of this can be a cheerless or overtired look. In order to mitigate the worn-out look, Botox focuses on the source of the problem. In other words, it targets the facial muscles that are causing the deep wrinkles and lines to occur.

When people smile, frown or make other facial expressions, wrinkles begin to form over time. A certain group of muscles is activated for each expression, and these muscles give rise to crease lines that form into permanent wrinkles. Botox prevents the formation of wrinkles through a simple technique designed to limit these muscles from causing creases.

What Will My Doctor Be Like?

You will not be administered an anesthetic for this procedure, but before your treatment, your specialist may numb the injection site slightly. Normally, there procedure is quite fast. Usually, it will take under ten minutes. And there is no recovery time required, so you can go back to work or off to another errand if desired.

Botox courses are offered to doctors, dentists, assistants of physicians, and licensed nurses. Depending on where you are located, this may differ, however, it's important to understand that only physicians can buy Botox and it must be administered either by the physician or someone under their supervision.

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