The 24 Day Challenge With An Advocare Diet Plan

By Lana Bray

These days a lot of people are becoming interested in ways to lose weight. Some of those people have decide they want better health and others have decided they want a better looking body. Whatever your reason, one thing remains true, extreme diets and too much exercise are not a long term solution. A lot of different weight loss programs don't work simply because they result in unsafe weight loss and aren't sustainable for a long period of time. The Advocare diet plan has a twenty-four day challenge that is safe and easy to maintain.

The twenty-four day challenge works a lot better than many other options out there. Its success is largely due to the fact that it is so much more than a simple diet plan. The challenge combines the establishment of healthy eating habits with cardio workouts and nutritional supplements that help build muscles. Weight loss is achieved, but better health is also established at the same time.

Weight loss results are specific to each individual person, but anyone who follows this plan correctly can see good results. It takes commitment, like any other lifestyle change, but it is doable. The plan guides you through the entire process and makes losing weight easy.

This weight loss program is meant to be much more than just losing a few pounds. It is meant to guide users toward a permanently healthier lifestyle where they can have increased energy and a better overall feeling. There are 2 phases in the plan, an herbal cleanse and then then the full diet and exercise program.

The herbal cleanse lasts for ten days. You will use special recipes that include fiber and nutrient rich items to clear the system of toxins and get the body ready for losing weight. The cleanse will be the most challenge phase of the process which means you will need plenty of will power and focus to get through it. When the cleansing phase is over, almost everyone who has done it is surprised are how well they feel.

The herbal cleanse will dictate the success of the full program long before any weight loss is achieved. Increased energy and feeling better are strong motivators for pushing through the entire challenge. Knowing you can feel good on a long term basis is strong motivation for pushing through the difficulties of a diet change.

A life long habit of unhealthy eating can make it a real challenge to get through the cleansing phase. The first 10 days of the challenge involve the cleanse and begins the flushing away of all the bad things in your body. When the cleanse is over, the body should be fully primed for weight loss. Once the toxins are gone, energy increases a significant amount as well.

While following weight loss plans, like the 24 day challenge Advocare diet plan, keep in mind that it takes hard work from you for the program to work. Successful completion of a plan can provide more energy and a better overall feeling of well being, but it won't work if you don't try. You will not see miraculous results within the first day, but a long term plan will significantly reduce weight.

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