Mindfulness, Meditation, And Yoga - Keys To Mental Health And No Stress

By Bronwyn Best

Stress is something we all experience at different times. Some signs and symptoms of stress include headache, a feeling of tightness in the chest, abdomen, head or other parts of the body, increased blood pressure, stomachache, feelings of anxiety, impatience, crying, even depression. The signs of stress can be varied and are quite individualized. While stress is unpleasant, it is important to remember that the signs of stress are useful; they act as a signal to us that the stress in our lives is significant and needs to be addressed. But how do you do that?

Mindfulness stress reduction is the practice of tuning in to your internal state and being aware of what is happening, moment by moment, while making no judgment about it. The benefit of this practice is greater self-knowledge, a clearer sense of what you are dealing with, and increased compassion toward yourself. The goal of mindfulness, much like meditation, is to calm the mind and improve one's ability to respond to the challenges of life in healthy ways. Staying in the moment is really difficult for many of us. We tend to worry about what happened in the past and frantically anticipate what will happen in the future. While there are times when looking back or planning for the future are appropriate, we often miss the opportunity to live life as it actually happens. Learning to stay in the moment is a skill that takes a lot of practice.

A generation ago, it would have been rare to hear the terms "yoga" and "mental health" in the same sentence. Now it is common. Yoga is recognized as a powerful method of improving one's mental and physical health, and comes in many forms that can be tailored for individual needs. The physical forms of yoga ("hatha") are excellent for increasing strength, flexibility and stamina. The mind-focused aspects of yoga have potential to improve clarity of mind and focus. In fact, the physical asanas of yoga were developed thousands of years ago to help settle and prepare the body and mind for meditation. Many people report feeling more at peace after practicing mindfulness within a yoga session.

Meditation, mindfulness and yoga reduce stress by first making us aware of it in a new way. Tuning in to how you feel and not making judgments is not an end point, but a place to start. What you learn about yourself from meditation will help you see more clearly where the stressors are in your life and focus your mind on a healthy response to these stressors. You might try a short meditation in the early morning when you wake up, and a short meditation before you go to bed in the evening. Even just two minutes of sitting silently and quietly tuning in to how you feel can offer unexpected benefits. Physical practices such as yoga or Pilates can help us discharge pent up tension in our nervous systems, which in terms calms the mind. The focus on breathing and self-care (such as sleeping and eating well) reinforce the path to a healthier lifestyle while helping us feel better in the moment.

Stress management is a topic we hear a lot about. Since we all experience stress, it is important to learn healthy ways to deal with it. Yoga, meditation and mindfulness offer powerful ways to manage stress while increasing resiliency and mental focus. No matter who you are, or what the challenges may be, it's never too late to learn more and begin using these transformative practices.

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