Your 5-Minute Workout to Get a Flat Stomach

Flat Abs
So You Think You Can Dance host, Cat Deeley, demos the super effective middle-minimizing moves that whittled her waist.

Your Trainer

Tight-in-the-abs and easy-on-the-eyes Joshua Lipsey, a fitness pro from Toronto who created the tummyhoning program TransCoremation ($150; C2Core The brilliance of his belly buffers: Unlike classic crunches, which target only the rectus abdominis (running from the center of your chest to your pubic bone), these moves work the transversus abdominis (deeper muscles that wrap around your trunk) as well as the obliques along your sides.
More: The Ultimate No-Crunch Ab Exercise
Translation: A tinier waist, a flatter middle and sexy definition‚ fast! Hello, cute bikinis! Plus, the top 10 slimming superfoods and metabolism-revving meals to get you to your slimmed-down self, even faster!

Your Plan

Add five ab-firming minutes a day to your workout, doing any combo of the six moves here. Or if you're in the mood for a flat-ab-athon, try this entire lineup.

Swizzle Reach

Works: Transversus and rectus abdominis
Lie face up, hands behind head, elbows out, legs together with knees bent, shins parallel to ground. Engage abs, lifting upper body and reaching elbows to knees. Hold crunch as you straighten legs, lifting right leg high and lowering left leg to a 45-degree angle. Extend arms and hold for one beat. Return to start. Repeat, reversing legs, for one rep. Do 10 reps.
More: The Ultimate No-Crunch Ab Exercise

Twist and Tighten

Works: Transversus and rectus abdominis, obliques
Sit with feet planted, right hand on ground about a foot behind right hip, left hand on head, elbow out; lift hips. Hold tabletop pose as you bend torso and raise right knee to touch left elbow over midsection. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
More: 5 Ways to Burn an Extra 200 Calories

Super Cinching Sit-Up

Works: Transversus and rectus abdominis, obliques
Lie faceup, arms overhead on ground. Engage abs as you sit up, bending knees and twisting torso to right as you extend arms past knees. Return to start. Repeat on opposite side for one rep. Do 20 reps.
More: ABSolutely Effective Abdominal Exercises

Scissor Tap

Works: Transversus and rectus abdominis, obliques
Lie on right side, right forearm propping up upper body, left arm raised and legs splayed wide with right leg in front. Engage abs to lift torso, keeping weight on right hip, and reach right hand to tap between shins. Return to start. Scissor legs so left is in front of right, and tap again for one rep. Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Side Slim-Down

Works: Obliques
Kneel on right knee with arms overhead and leaning toward left, left leg extended out to side, foot on ground. Shift to right, placing right hand on ground to support upper body, as you raise left leg level with hip, foot flexed. Return to start. Do 15 reps. Switch sides; repeat.
More: 4 Ways to Get Abs Fast

Beggar's Plank

Works: Transversus and rectus abdominis, obliques
Start in plank position on forearms, palms down, feet together. Flip right palm up as you move right forearm forward a few inches; repeat on left.
Reverse movement: Move left forearm back as you flip palm down; repeat on right to return to start for one rep. Do 15 reps.
More: 2 Plank Variations to Build a Strong Core
"These total-toning ab moves are amazing. My core instantly felt firmer and stronger!"
"I love workouts that engage my core‚ they make me feel slim all over," says the British beauty. Her favorite ab-centric activities? Yoga and horseback riding.


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