Using a Countertop Water Filter May Help You Consume More Water Each Day.

By Roxy Albright

If you are searching for information about a countertop water filter, you likely already know that there are many options to choose from. You are also probably aware that getting some form of pristine water purification provides many health benefits and other advantages. And so your search begins.

Water is essential to all life on this planet. While people can survive for many weeks without food, they can only survive for a number of days without water. Every cell in the human body utilizes water in order to function properly. Dehydration can lead to some very serious health complications. Obviously, all life is dependent upon water to survive, but what exactly does water do for our bodies? What happens when we get dehydrated? What are the benefits to drinking water that has been purified using a countertop water filter?

Here is your science review for the day: the human body consists of up to 78% water (depending on body size.) Up to 2/3 of the human body is composed of water. Tissues and organs are mainly water. Muscles consist of 75% water, the human brain consists of 90% water, bone consists of 22% water and blood consists of 83% water. In order for the human body to function properly, water is essential. Water transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, moistures air in the lungs, maintains metabolism, protects vital organs, assists with nutrient absorption, regulates body temperature, detoxifies our bodies and protects and moisturizes our joints. Not too bad for a days work!

Most doctors recommend that the average human body needs eight glasses of water per day in order for body systems to function properly and prevent dehydration. If you have dark urine, dry skin, thirst, or even hunger, you may be dehydrated. Each of these symptoms can be an early warning sign that your body needs more water. Dehydration can have many harmful effects such as tiredness, migraine headaches, constipation, muscle cramps, irregular blood pressure, kidney problems, dry skin, and even a risk of death. In general, most people don't get enough water each day. Sometimes, this problem is easily corrected by simply using a countertop water filter to improve quality and taste, which is a common reason people do not get enough water.

You can use a countertop water filter to obtain pristine water purification. What are the benefits of doing so? Well, the first, and maybe most important, is better tasting and better smelling water. There are many more reasons to utilize water filtration: removal of chlorine and other bacterial contaminants, removal of lead, reduced cost over consuming bottled water, reduced risk of cancer, protection from disease, and filtration of known water contaminants. Water filtration is also convenient and fairly low maintenance. Children especially need to consume enough water because their bodies are still growing and water assists in healthy growth. Many times, filtered water just tastes better than tap water and children and adults can both reap the benefit of drinking more water.

If you think using a countertop water filter to obtain pristine water purification may be an easy way to assure that your family is getting enough water each day to maintain health, do your research and find a brand that will suit your families' needs.

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