Are Diet Pills Safe For Weight Loss?

By Miriam Berkowitz

With obesity rates being at an all time high, diet pills promising fast and easy weight loss have become a multi-billion dollar industry.

The results achieved from weight loss pills will vary from person to person. When using diet pills as part of a weight loss plan, many people do experience some positive results. The only problem with this method of weight loss is that it is not sustainable because you cannot take diet pills for the remainder of your life.

There are a wide variety of diet pills for weight loss available. The ones that consumers purchase most frequently are appetite suppressants and fat blockers.

Appetite suppressants are effective because they affect the area of the body that controls hunger. When released into the blood stream they send a message to the brain that it is no longer hungry and does not need food.

By reducing feelings of hunger they help to control overeating and snacking.

Even though appetite suppressants can help you lose some unwanted weight, they do come with some risks. Some of the side effects associated with weight loss pills include, headaches, extreme tiredness, abdominal pain and cramping and anxiety.

Diet pills are not designed to be used for extended periods of time. You will have better and longer lasting results with diet pills if you gradually alter your lifestyle to include low calorie healthy foods and implement an exercise plan.

Fat Blockers are designed to increase energy, speed up metabolism and prevent the fat in foods from being absorbed into the body. Instead they are eliminated from the body as waste products.

Fat blockers can be an instrumental part of a weight loss plan but they can have side effects such as oily loose bowel movements, nausea and stomach cramping.

Although, both supplements are effective for weight loss, there is a strong possibility of putting the weight back on once you discontinue use. Adding an exercise program and developing healthy eating habits will help you to keep the weight off.

When you get to a point when eating healthy and exercise have become a part of your lifestyle, you should be able to maintain a healthy weight without the diet pills.

Weight loss pills can be obtained over the counter or by prescription.

Before using diet pills for weight loss be sure to evaluate the label closely and check to be sure there are no FDA concerns or recalls. Before embarking on any weight plan it is recommended that you see your doctor and let him or her decide if the plan is right for your needs.

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