Motivation to Love Yourself

By Olivia Rostigus

We have all been exposed to the familiar saying, 'Love yourself first'. In fact, most of us have heard it, but, probably never taken the time to actually analyze as to what it really means. Psychics hear daily how people want change, but, seldom to people want to take the action necessary to make it happen.

Most people seem to say it more than once in their life, but fail to realize what it actually takes to begin the process of loving one's self. This is a monumental job which most people are undner-qualified to take one. When the phrase, 'You have to start by loving yourself' is used on a person who is already overwhelmed, they usually just tune it out because they have no idea how to being the act of taking care of the self.

Most of the time when we hear, "You have to love yourself first", the person saying it is trying to help. Unfortunately, what often actually happens is just the opposite of the intention behind the comment. The emotional damage increases as the person experiencing the pain feels even more alone.

What people really need is just someone to listen to them. They are not really hearing what you are saying and feel a stab of pain and even more over whelmed when they hear words like this.

1. I'm fed up with hearing your complaints and worries

2. I can see exactly why you are in this predicament

3. I can see that you need to take an action and quit sulking

4. I cannot do anything about your problem, so just do what I tell you

Generally, the person who is in trouble recoils, feels rejected and begins to isolate themselves because they are not being heard which results in the pain increasing. That's when psychics usually hear from clients; when they are at their wit's end and want help in resolving the problem.

People need to be treated with kindness and compassion when they are deep into emotional trouble. This helps them to help themselves. Here is an clear explanation of what should happen when picturing your 'self' saving your 'self':

You suddenly turn around because your small, screaming child is being assaulted by three older children on a playground. Your immediate reaction causes an action for you to run over, take them by the hand and immediately remove them from this negative situation. You saved their "self" from further demolition by holding, hugging and helping them to feel safe. They is now protected and secure once again.

Adults face similar circumstances at various times in their lives, learning how to removed their own 'self' from negative situations. Some people, however, will remain in horrid circumstances, hoping they will just go away on their own. They hope that change will occur without them having to take any action.

The reason things don't change is because they didn't take any action. These types of situations tend to repeat themselves until all is black and the bottom seems to drop out. Depression sets in and a sense of hopelessness takes over. They tend to try to unload the bad feelings by talking about it over and over to anyone who will listen. This type of behavior pushes people away. Why? Because they see the person drowning when all they would have to do is take a step in the right direction in order to change it, instead of taking appropriate action like the ones listed below:

1. Remove your 'self' from the negative circumstances

2. Do things like getting involved in something you have passion for, like a hobby, taking that class, or finishing a degree.

Most people do not want to hear that it is them selves that must make a plan and begin to execute it. Instead, they call psychics for readings and hope that the solution is in that reading. The psychic's role is to try to help you connect with the solutions that are in front of you, not to solve it.

Remember, if you don't treat your "self" well, why should anyone else want to?

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