5 Reasons To Try Yin Yoga Today

By Sharee James

Most of us are familiar with the ancient Chinese concept of yin and yang - two opposing forces in harmony and balance. Yang symbolizes the masculine principle and qualities such as movement, heat and activity. Conversely, the feminine principle of yin represents stillness, coolness, passivity and simply "being".

All things in life, including yoga or other forms of exercise, can be classed as yin or yang according to their basic qualities. There are styles of yoga (Bikram or Ashtanga for example) that are more yang-like, with their emphasis on strength and heat-building, dynamic poses. Yin yoga however, is totally different, with an emphasis on longer-held poses primarily done on the floor and the cultivation of mindfulness and surrender. I have experienced yin yoga to be a truly life-changing practice, here are 5 reasons to give it a go:

1. It will enable you to deal with the stresses of everyday life.

Western culture places a lot of value on yang-like qualities such as productivity, working hard and achieving external success. This can certainly help us to achieve our goals - but when out of balance it can lead to burn out, restlessness, anxiety and depression. We must remember to honour yin qualities as well, such as the ability to slow down, take it easy and enjoy what we have in the present. One way to counter-balance our chronic addiction to being busy, it to practice yin yoga.

2. It will dissolve physical stress and tension.

If you have ever spent too long at your computer and felt stiff and sore in your shoulders after, then you know what physical tension feels like. We often think these knots occur in the muscles of our body, but actually they form in the connective tissue or fascia. One of the main benefits of yin yoga is that it works directly on the fascia and the long-held poses allow a deep release of any tightness and a feeling of ease and lightness with regular practice.

3. It will shift you from "doing" mode to "being mode".

In yin yoga, the poses are held for quite a long time, from between 3 - 8 minutes. This allows you to rest deeply in the pose, and to observe the breath in a very mindful way. While it may feel difficult at first, over time you will be able to simply surrender and just "be", and your body and mind will be able to slow down and find a sense of inner peace. It is a good preparation for meditation and mindfulness practice as well.

4. It will balance other exercise programs.

Most types of exercise such as swimming, walking, jogging and lifting weights can be classified as yang in nature due to their focus on strength, stamina and repetitive movements. While certainly important for muscle tone and cardiovascular health, they can also cause joint damage, injury and tightness in certain areas, such as the hamstrings for runner. Yin yoga can deeply stretch these areas out and minimise the risk of injury as well as assist in developing an understanding and deeper awareness of the body's inherent limitations.

5. It will benefit your life "off the mat" as well.

Perhaps the most powerful benefits of yin yoga is the way it will slowly change your attitude to your life in general. You will develop qualities of patience, acceptance and compassion towards your body within the poses, and these same qualities will show up in your daily life as well. From becoming more tolerant to people who ordinarily frustrate you to taking better care of yourself and being able to live more in the moment, yin yoga will slowly change your life from the inside out.

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