ALS: The Best Exercises, Covered By Stuart Millheiser

By Jason McDonald

If you want to talk about the best activities for ALS patients to go about, exercise is a diverse topic of discussion. The likes of Stu Millheiser can say the same, especially when there are so many different forms of therapy that can be adopted. Considering how they can slow down muscular degeneration, they are worth taking up. Here are just a few of the ways in which these patients can help themselves, from a physical standpoint. Which of these will become the most beneficial to you?

With so many different forms of exercise to consider, Stuart Millheiser can tell you about water therapy at the onset. Undeniably, this is one of the more low-impact forms of exercise, which makes sense when you think about the buoyancy of water in general. You do not have to put as much pressure on your limbs and joints; just let them float on the surface. Not only can this yield results, but its relaxation factor cannot be questioned.

There's also the matter of stretching, which can be done in virtually any environment that can be thought of. For example, if you are someone who works in an office, chances are that you will not have many opportunities to stay active and get in shape. With this in mind, it may be in your best interest to get onto your feet and stretch out for a few moments. Suffice it to say, this is one of the easier exercises for ALS patients to become involved in.

If you have the physical capacity to do so, you may want to get involved in strength training as well. Depending on the severity of ALS, for a particular patient, this may not be the most doable exercise. Nonetheless, it's worth considering when you think about how it can slow down the degradation of muscular strength. As the old adage goes, if you do not lose it, you may lose it; this can be applied to exercise as well. Strength training, according to Stuart Millheiser, has its own slew of benefits to consider.

Hopefully these ideas have given you a better understanding of how ALS patients can help themselves. Not only are these relatively low-impact, compared to other regimens which may be adopted, but the fact that they can be done with ease cannot be ignored. Keep in mind that they have to be reasonably easy, as many patients struggle in the physical sense. If these exercises are adopted, it's easy to imagine that positive results will show themselves.

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