Building A Better World Through Career Coaching

By Iva Cannon

One of the markers of a society is the different roles that members play. These roles essentially translate into careers or professions. Choosing a profession comes easy for some people but for others the decision poses a challenge and they need help. Through the help of career coaching experts, people of varying ages are able to find and embark on their desired professional paths.

When people think of profession guidance they automatically think of it as something that young people need. This is true to some extent. For young people, that period of time in which they undergo the preparation for entering the world of work is crucial. Career coaches, through the application of their expert knowledge are able to provide the guidance needed to ensure that teens and young adults have a clear idea and vision of what they should do with their future professional lives.

It may not seem to be so on the surface, but many adults also need this type of help. Many times adults who are already engaged in a profession feel the need for a change. This is where a career coach becomes important. This coach can assist the individual to properly asses the current situation and make informed decisions about their professional future.

This kind of help for adults does not always relate to the changing of professions. These coaches also use their expertise to help persons who want to advance in their current careers. For some persons this need arises when they begin to feel uneasy or dissatisfied with their level of performance or their current roles in a given field. This dissatisfaction often gives rise to the need to advance either by accessing promotion or switching departments. A high school teacher for instance, may aspire to move into another role in education as either a lecturer or a principal.

A career coach has to undergo specific training in order to provide good quality service. This means being formally trained in specially designed programs that focus heavily on sociology and psychology. This training equips them to assess characters and draw informed conclusions. In addition to the training though, coaches must remain current with the trends in the world of careers.

One of the areas of training for career coaches is psychology. They have to be fully equipped with a knowledge of how the human mind works. This allows them to use precise questions and observation to determine someone's capabilities and match them to a particular field of work.

Informal profession guidance is often provided by nurturers such as parents and teachers. Mentors often also engage in this type of activity. Despite this though, in some cases, expert guidance is what is needed. Sometimes though, informal coaches and the persons they coach must seek the help of professionals.

Clearly the need for guidance in profession based matters extend beyond age and geographical boundaries. The coaches who fulfill this role have one part of the solution to the profession related issues that many people face. The satisfactory resolution of these issues translates into better performing and happier professionals and also a better society.

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