The Goji Berry Is Either One Of Nature's Super Foods.

By Thornie Swathi

Found growing in naturally warm, subtropical regions within both China and Mongolia as well as in Tibet's Himalayas, Goji berries look like small, red raisins but contain perhaps the most nutrients of any single fruit on Earth.

Before becoming popular in Europe and North America, the wolf berry saw traditional use in both East Asian cuisine and medicine. It is a fruit native to southeastern Europe and Asia. They are used to give soups flavor and are added to numerous meat and vegetable dishes. As a medicine, it was commonly used to treat Yin deficiency in ancient China. Goji berry benefits were also known about in Vietnam, Korea, and Japan.

The many Goji berry benefits to be had begin first with their intricate collection of molecules, including polysaccharides, which are sugar molecules believed to support the body's immune system. Polysaccharides are also known to be a great source of probiotic fibers, which are the fermentable portions of soluble fiber that are processed into SCFAs, or short-chain fatty acids, within the intestines. This then provides beneficial nutrients for the probiotics within the intestinal tract to aid the body with vital functions like digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

Goji is also a good source of essential fatty acids and boasts high levels of polysaccharides that are thought to stimulate the immune system. There are even investigations into its ability to reduce the incidence of cancer. As well as some impressive nutritional qualities, the most commonly reported benefits are increased energy, better sleep, clearer thinking, weight loss, reduced anxiety and enhanced moods to name but a few.

Predominantly grown in the northwestern portions of Tibet and China, which boast some of the purest soil in all of the world, Goji berries come from the Lycium plant, an evergreen bush with vines that may reach as high as 10 to 15 feet.

For me personally, living with anxiety and depression, I found just the mental clarity and having more energy made them worth their weight in gold. I do admit, I was skeptical at first, but after a week or so I was sold!

The great thing about them is that they make a super healthy snack without worrying about packing on the pounds, and for anyone who suffers from depression you'll know why that's such a big deal... as the saying goes, a moment on the lips and a lifetime on the hips!

Organic Germanium interacts with the body by triggering the immune system to produce natural killer (NK) cells that act to fight cancer cells. Germanium also creates an oxygen-rich condition in the body which cancer cells find hard to thrive in.

Clinton is an independent distributor for the health and wellness company, Kyani. Please click on the link to learn about the company and the amazing health products that have been changing the lives of many people. You can find out more information about Kyani Sunrise, a product that contains wolf berry as well as several other super foods.

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