What To Know About Sciatica Treatment Shavano Park

By Enid Hinton

Sciatica is a problem that afflicts many people at some point in time. This refers to a condition that occurs in the sciatic nerve, which can be found in the lower back through the hip and buttocks and down into both legs. Usually the problem occurs on just one side of the body. People suffering with this who live in or near Shavano Park, TX might seek out sciatica treatment Shavano Park.

This issue typically results when there is a bone spur or herniated disk that creates compression on part of this nerve. The effect is inflammation, pain and sometimes numbness of the leg. Pain that comes with this can range in severity. Still, most cases can be healed within a few weeks through conservative methods.

There are certain signs to look for when making a diagnosis of this. Pain may be present from the lower spine to the butt and down the back of the leg. This pain may vary. Some people experience a mild aching and others experience a burning sensation and sharp pain. Sometimes this problem can lead to excruciating pain and discomfort for the sufferer, with some comparing the feeling to an electric shock or jolt. This issue of pain may intensify from prolonged sitting, sneezing or coughing.

Tingling, weakness of muscles and numbness might also be present in the affected foot or leg. Sometimes pain is felt in one leg while the other is numb. Signs and symptoms will vary. People should make an effort to see a doctor when their attempts at self-care have failed, or if the problem gets worse or does not go away within a week.

This issues is brought on by pinching of the sciatica nerve. Often this is caused by a herniated disk. Sometimes it is brought about by a bone spur or overgrowth of vertebrae bones. Although rare, the nerve might become compressed because of a tumor or damage from disease.

There are several things that may increase the likelihood of developing sciatica issues, such as: diabetes, occupation, age, obesity and prolonged sitting. People who are encouraged to take preventative measures to avoid this issue. Generally, sufferers can make a full recovery from this and have no lasting side effects. Sometimes healing is done without the need of medical treatments. However, there are some instances in which permanent nerve damage can be the result, leaving a person with loss of feeling or weakness in the affected area, as well as loss of bladder or bowel function.

A variety of tests will be carried out as part of diagnosis. During this time, people can voice any concerns, questions or general information about the symptoms they have experienced. Imaging tests and physical exams are employed in determining the problem, as well as potential treatments.

When the problem does not go away with time, a person may have to get professional help. There are different options available for care, among them: physical therapy, surgery, prescription drugs or steroid injections. Medications that can be used for relief purposes include, but are not limited to: anti-inflammatories, anti-depressants, anti-seizures, narcotics and muscle relaxants. People interested in treating themselves at home might utilize over-the-counter meds, hot packs, cold packs or stretching.

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