Why You're Not Sure Where To Start With Building Muscle

By Russ Howe

If you ask for advice on how to build muscle you'll probably get a different answer from every person you ask, so today we're going to cover the fundamental rules of building a leaner, stronger physique.

There is so much nonsense out there in the fitness industry, information which has no scientific backing or evidence to support it's claims, that the majority of people in gyms around the world are completely lost.

Muscular hypertrophy is not a complicated thing, despite the raft of trainers who seem hell bent on confusing clients to the point where they don't know why they're training at all. A lot of this is done in order for the trainer to attempt to justify why the fitness enthusiast 'needs' them there, when in fact you can apply the proven rules to strength and power training on your own and see results.
If you don't know how to build muscle today's interview will assist you a lot.

The main problem when somebody has not seen any results in the gym is variety. If you get stuck in the same routine it will stop giving you results no matter how good it may have been when you put it together. Your body's job is to adapt and make things easier for you to cope, so you'll need to use different approaches to get continued results. If you have had issues progressing you workouts in the past you should look at using the holistic training approach, which involves switching each week between different fitness concepts, such as going from high rep workouts to HIIT sessions, then strength training without cardio.

Understanding the importance of rest is also a major factor in your potential success. Too many people, particularly beginners, get hooked on the feeling of seeing positive results and they don't take a day off. Believe it or not, taking a day off is exactly what your body needs when you're trying to get stronger and leaner. You should be training no more than four times per week with weights at the start.

The world of supplements is third on the list because although a lot of people do get lost here, it is perhaps purposely designed to have that effect. Supplement manufacturers make a lot of cash from the confusion. However, like most things on this list, it's nowhere near as confusing once you know what to look for. If you're after a weight gainer you need a shake which hits you with a lot of carbohydrates and calories per serving. If you're just after a leaner physique you will want to keep the carbohydrate content down quite low. Science also shows that there's no need to consume more than 30 grams of protein in one sitting, too.

The battle to build a better physique is usually won and lost outside of the gym, however. Most people are happy to exercise and drink protein shakes but they switch off when they get back home or go out with their friends at the weekend. Make no mistake about it, you'll need to get your diet in check. If you are unsure how many calories you need to be eating per day you can start by taking your goal weight and multiplying the figure by 15. This will give you a good estimate to work with.

While little used techniques like holistic training will provide a modern edge to your training, the main ingredients of learning how to build muscle are as old as the gym itself. Learning how to work out your daily calories and afford your muscles enough time to recover from each session will be as valuable as exercise itself. If you can stick to the four steps shown to you here for the next three months you will see a fantastic change.

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