Weight Loss Solutions 5 Ways To Drop The Pound Fast

By Erin Newman

Every day we find ourselves surrounded by advertisements for weight loss products, promising a fast and easy solution to weight loss. These ads are designed to make you believe their product is the miracle solution you have been waiting for but, the truth is there is no fast fix for weight loss. In order to lose weight you are going to have to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Believe In Yourself

Belief in yourself is key.

Belief is as much of a necessity as changing your diet and developing an exercise routine. Without belief, you are setting yourself up for failure before you even start.

Take a moment to reflect on why you want to lose weight and then write it down. Now, determine the amount of weight that you need to lose and write it down. Make a promise to yourself that no matter how hard it gets or how long it takes, you will reach your goal.

Staying positive and holding on to the belief that you can will require you to feed your mind with positive thoughts daily. Bad days are inevitable, the key is not to let one or two bad days make you quit short of your goal.

As time goes on and you begin to see results from your efforts, it will be easier to stay on track.

Stay Hydrated

Water is necessary to keep the body functioning properly.

Water is like fertilizer for our bodies. We need it to help our body function efficiently.

Once your body is receiving the amount of water that it needs, it will improve digestion and release the excess fluid stored in the cells.

Drinking a glass before each meal will help you to eat less and lose more.


Exercise should be a vital part of any weight loss plan. Even though you may be able to lose weight without it, it will be difficult to sustain long term.

If exercise intimidates you, start out with something simple like walking. Find an exercise that works for you and get started.

Working out 5 days a week is ideal but if this seems like too much in the beginning start out with 3 days per week and build from there.

When you feel ready for more advanced workouts, aerobic workouts such as Zumba or Hip Hop Abs may be a good choice. These work outs tend to burn a lot of calories, helping you to lose weight and tone up.

In addition to helping with weight loss exercise is a great way to improve your health and reduce your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancers.

Eat More Often

Rather than having 3 large meals daily, break that down into 5 or 6 smaller meals. This will help you stay full and eliminate the need to snack.

Remember that even though you are eating more often you still should not exceed your normal calorie intake.

If you are stretched for time and feel you do not have time to plan and prepare 6 meals each day, prepare three and divide each one in half to get your 6 small meals.

Do Not Deprive Yourself Of Sleep

Not getting enough sleep alters the level of ghrelin in the body. This hormone causes an increase in appetite when the body is not getting the amount of sleep that it requires.

The ideal amount of sleep is between 7 to 8 hours per night. When the body is deprived of sleep it throws off your metabolism.

In order to sleep better, avoid drinking caffeine or engaging in exercise a few hours before bed time.

Incorporating these 5 simple tips can significantly impact the amount of weight you are able to lose.

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