Being An Updated Health Lecturer

By Connie Sears

The learning environment is posing a unique challenge to the health lecturer and raising the bar on expectations. Increasing number of dental, medical and nursing students requires a rethinking of strategy. More specialization in career requires better and deeper understanding of content. There is a call for implementation of new learning methods that makes it easier to understand concepts.

Lecturing today requires a great deal of interactive learning in line with the new curriculum. Students are learning in smaller groups and require that their enthusiasm be maintained in all ways possible. Laptops, tablet computers and PDAs have also been introduced changing the paradigm of learning. This requires lecturers to abandon old learning models and adopt the interactive, self-paced and customized options.

There are increasing limitations on the number of hours that students can spend in lectures every week. The aim is to eliminate passive learning approaches and replace it with participatory methods that are more productive during practice. This is eliminating the traditional lecturing model. It should be acknowledged that not all lecturers are unproductive.

There is something more to a lecture than the plain reading of notes. It has variously been defined as a dance where the lecturer and students participate. Both respond to the dance and are energized by the words therein. They draw inspiration from participating in the session. It should therefore be considered a life and career changing event.

There is value in the presence of a lecturer that cannot be delivered when a student follows an online module or reads a book. Real time delivery which is only possible during a physical lecture adds greater value. A lecture goes beyond information into inspiring a learner and engaging his or her imagination. It should be easier and better to understand a concept during a lecture than when one reads.

Students can turn to books or electronic resources for information. A lecture must be animated by the mind and heart of the lecture. Similar enthusiasm should be transferred to the learner to capture the heart and mind as well. Such a reflection allows students to see their future through the lecture session.

It therefore should be clear that the lectures are more than just examinations, good grades and a professional certificate. The session is the place of birth for new perspectives, questions and connections. This is a moment to awaken or point out new possibility in life and work.

A story format is the best way to achieve success when lecturing. The concepts that form the story are a beginning, a body and a conclusion. The lecture begins by eliciting questions, suspense and curiosity in the student. The lecture then endeavors to find an answer or quell the curiosity.

Success as a health lecturer must be anchored in enthusiasm and delight. It means eliciting curiosity and enthusiasm and fulfilling the same in your learners. You begin to feel the delight when learners ask questions that you had no foresight. The enthusiasm for adventure in that discipline must be infectious.

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